1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program
Get involved in our 'National Nest Predation Survey' to study the impacts of foxes on our freshwater turtles.
You can carry out this survey all year except in November.
Get trained and help protect turtle nests in NSW, SA, VIC and WA. Click below for more information.
This activity is best done in November or after a significant rain event.
Download and start reporting your turtle sightings. Sightings may include turtles moving along roads, found basking at different water bodies or found dead (potentially run over by motor vehicles).
Use our Google Earth Engine Turtle Nest Predictor app to explore freshwater turtle habitats across Australia. With a simple search, you can zoom into your suburb to reveal detailed insights and conservation hotspots for freshwater turtles.
Turtles can be found walking along roads or crossing roads, particularly during their peak nesting season in November. To ensure they reach their destinations, help move them across the road safely.
Get the community together for a fun turtle art event. Art activities could include rock painting, colouring or making masterpieces with chalk.
The best part is, you could organise at any time in the year.
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