1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program
On this page, you will find a variety of resources and ideas for turtle activities. These resources are free for you to use and implement in your schools or community.
If you have any questions or would like assistance with something, please reach out to us at 1millionturtles@1millionturtles.com
You can access the slides by clicking 'Download PDF'
A/Prof Ricky Spencer recently delivered a talk at the Science at the Local Library: Empowering Communities at Penrith. You can now access the slides to learn more about his fascinating presentation about 'Empowering change through Citizen Science: Exploring nature and sustainability'.
We have developed a user-friendly tool that enables anyone to locate turtles in their local area. This tool, known as the 'Predictive Turtle Mapping Tool' uses advanced mapping techniques to predict potential nesting sites for turtles around wetlands.
Every year on 1 Nov, the 1 Million Turtles program team hosts an online event to celebrate all things turtle and share interesting program and freshwater turtle research updates. Missed the last one? Click button below to watch all the webinar from our last event.
This activity is suitable for anyone! With some rocks and paint or coloured chalks, you could create your very own turtle masterpiece. This activity could be done as a classroom activity, outdoor events such as stalls, or in your very own backyard at a birthday party.
Hear experts share their experience and research about turtles and their challenges via these podcasts.
Watch this 5 minutes video to learn more about how to conserve turtles using citizen science.
Learn more about ways you could engage our young conservationists in actions that contribute to conservation efforts.
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