1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program
On this page, you will find various other ways to collaborate with the 1 Million Turtles program team. If you're interested in any of these options, click below to request a chat.
TurtleSAT is available free of charge on both desktop and mobile platforms, including iPhone and Android. Learn more about TurtleSAT.
This national tool captures various data, including road kills, turtle crossings, nest activity, and basking turtle sightings. Instructional videos and resources on TurtleSAT usage are here.
To simplify large data submissions, utilise the 'Bulk Image Upload' feature to batch upload turtle and nest images, including older ones. Ensure your pictures include location, date, and time information for successful use. Learn more by clicking here.
Additionally, we provide postcards with app details and QR codes for easy download. Contact us at 1millionturtlesprogram@gmail.com to request for free postcards (offer available up till mid-March 2024).
We have created a user-friendly tool called the Turtle Nest Predictor Tool to help you easily locate turtle nesting hotspots in your local area. It uses advanced mapping techniques to predict potential turtle nesting sites around wetlands. Whether it's an urban park, golf course, or any location with ponds, lakes, or drainage channels nearby, this tool is an excellent starting point.
If your local area experiences turtle road kills - consider installing signs at known roadkill hotspots. You may also consider launching campaigns promoting safe driving, turtle awareness, moving turtles away from roadsides and reporting incidents to TurtleSAT. Moving turtles across the road, when safe, is a meaningful conservation action anyone can take.
Download the 'Moving Turtle' poster from our resource list below.
Turtle Islands provide safe nesting sites that mitigate the impacts of predation by foxes and increase juvenile recruitment. We are currently trailing turtle islands in a several states, and if you would like to know more or get involved in these trials, please contact us at 1millionturtlesprogram@gmail.com. They look great and plenty of other animals use them too.
Click here to learn more about turtle islands
If you have a water body (e.g., lake, river) with known turtle populations, consider setting up a turtle tour. In late 2022, Dr Ricky Spencer worked with the Wingecarribee Shire Council in NSW to establish a turtle tour using informative signages at Lake Alexandra. These signages help visitors to learn more about freshwater turtles and encourage them to report any turtle sightings at the lake through TurtleSAT. This tour has been a great hit with the local residents and visitors alike.
Another great action to complement the installation of signages is to create basking sites by placing logs and materials around water bodies. This not only benefits turtles, but also offers the local community a chance to enjoy their presence. See the infographic below for a snapshot of the turtle tour at Lake Alexandra.
Keen to engage your community and schools and get them involved in freshwater turtle conservation? Click below to find out more.
Keen to find out how 1 Million Turtles can help you optimise fox management initiatives? Click below to find out more.
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