1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program
Every year, our 1 Million Turtles program team hosts this webinar to share what’s new, highlight program progress updates and give some tips and ideas on how you can help turtles this November. This year, we hosted the turtle month webinar on the 25th of October from 6:30pm to 7:30pm (Sydney time), online via Zoom. Click below to watch.
(Photo Credit: Dr Donald McKnight)
This turtle month, we would love your help to make the new ‘Turtle Nest Predictor tool’ even better by going out after rain to look for nesting turtles. You may see some turtles nesting or not, either way - we encourage you to report your sightings to TurtleSAT. Remember, reporting no turtles or nests is just as important.
In fact, you don't even have to wait until November. You can start anytime from now. If you are keen to give our turtles a helping hand, click on 'Learn More' for more information.
(Photo Credit: Dr Donald McKnight)
As turtle nesting starts, now is a great time to get trained to help protect freshwater turtle nests. As nesting increases, so does the impact from foxes as they dig up the nests to consume turtle eggs. Your help really matters.
(Photo Credit: Dr Donald McKnight)
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